Our approach
Core applications
Product Range
Data Driven
Environmental performance


ASR (Allowable or acceptable Sand Rate)

The maximum amount of sand or solids that can be produced without causing significant damage to the well or production equipment.

MASR (Maximum Allowable Sand Rate)

The maximum amount of sand or solids that can be produced without causing significant damage to the well or production equipment.

Optimal Flow Rate

The rate of fluid production that ensures maximum output whilst minimising operational risks.

Online Jetting

The process of removing solids with high-pressure jets inside a production separator or other vessel, whilst ensuring continuous production.

Sand management

Controlling and monitoring the impact of sand on production, to maintain efficient and safe operations.

5K/10K technology

5K and 10K describes the equipment pressure class. In other words, a 5K DualFlow desander means that it is rated for a working pressure of 5,000 psi.

Produced Water

Produced water is industrial waste, which must be managed. Whether re-injected to a well or discharged back into the ocean, produced water has significant economic and HSE associations. Removing the sand upstream the production separator can improve the quality of produced water.

PFR (Production Flow Recovery)

Our PFR methodology allows you to maximize your sandy wells’ potential – ensuring optimal production rates without the limitations of solids. We apply the methodology to all solids management challenges – powered by data, experience and our state-of-the-art solids management technology.


Our Desander technology removes sand and solids from produced fluids, maximizing production and ensuring safer operations.

Coiled Tubing

Steel tubing rolled on a coil used to perform interventions of wellbores.

CTCO (Coiled Tubing Clean Out)

The process of cleaning out solids that have accumulated in the wellbore using coiled tubing.

Screen out

Term used in hydraulic fracturing when excessive sand or proppant accumulation prevents fluid from being pumped into the formation.

Bean-up well

Process of gradually increasing the production rate.


Barrels per day


Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day


Sand Management as a Service


Improved Oil Recovery

SMART system

Sand Management and Removal Technology system


A micron is a unit of length that is one millionth of a meter.

Production restoration

Restoring production to previous levels through sand management.

Deferred wells due to sand production

Wells that are temporarily shut down due to excessive sand production.


Another word for sand but also including other particles or materials present in oil, gas or produced fluids that are in a solid state.