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What is DualFlow Cyclone technology?

The DualFlow contains two single liner cyclones in one unit. As one vessel is isolated and flushed, production continues through the other. It returns real time data on flow rate, pressure, temperature, weight, and asset integrity – which in turn delivers a proven separation efficiency of 99.8%.

Learn more about the dual flow cyclone here.

What is a bulk desander?

Our Bulk Desander is designed for high flow capacity and is primarily used in offshore surface applications, during production from high producing wells. It can also be deployed on fields with multiple solids producing wells.

It can remove solids between 20 micron to 10mm from a liquid and/or gas medium with a DNV qualified separation efficiency of 99.8%. Read more.

How much does a bulk desander weigh?

38.3 tonnes

How much does a DualFlow desander weigh and since it is compact how do you accommodate for weight restrictions on old platforms?

8-10 tonnes depending on specification. If the peak load is too high we typically install spreader beams to even the load on facilities.

How are your remote operations implemented?

Our remote operations can be implemented in a variety of ways, depending on the exact requirements of the job.

On-site Remote operation (two-way communication):

All FourPhase systems can be operated remotely on-site from an operator station container, located in a less intrusive area of the offshore site (i.e. outside the red zone).

Remote monitoring (one-way communication):

FourPhase can currently receive data from the solids management system remotely and create a replica display from our HQ in Bergen. Data can be relayed to specified locations and is accessible via our online dashboards from anywhere in the world.

Off-site remote operations:

Unassisted remote operations (with no personnel present at the asset), require the installation of additional sensory and mechanical redundancies (i.e. shut-off valves and relief systems). This is because the standard DualFlow system lacks the required redundancies. This can be developed on demand.

Autonomous operation:

FourPhase have delivered fully autonomous systems installed for unmanned installations. These systems do not require personnel other than for bagging solids and can operate independent of human interaction. This type of system is currently in operation in the South China Sea and has been since 2018.

What is the maximum sand rate you can handle?

Based on experience we have managed up to 1.8 tonnes per hour.

Can production continue whilst tanks are flushed on the DualFlow desander?

The DualFlow desander is setup to enable continuous production. This means you can flush one tank while producing through the other.

Does FourPhase technology separate between gas and liquid or do we need to have a separator?

Depending on applications, we supply gas knock-out vessels in front of the desander. Sand rarely follows the gas phase, hence why a knock-out vessel together with a DualFlow desander can be applied where necessary.

Do FourPhase supply both equipment and personnel?

Yes, we typically supply both equipment and personnel as part of our service.

What is the maximum design pressure for the DualFlow desander?

5000 PSI (345 bar)

What is PFR (Production Flow Recovery)?

Our PFR methodology allows you to maximize your sandy wells’ potential – ensuring optimal production rates without the limitations of solids. We apply the methodology to all solids management challenges – powered by data, experience and our state-of-the-art solids management technology.

What is Produced Water?

Produced water is industrial waste, which must be managed. Whether re-injected or discharged back into the ocean, produced water has significant economic and HSE associations. Removing the sand upstream the production separator can improve the quality of produced water.

Is the cyclonic desander able to read the sanding rate?

Yes, we continuously measure all separated sand. Where a third-party verification of the sand separation efficiency is required we typically offer to install ClampOn non-intrusive sensors up and downstream of the DualFlow desander unit as part of the delivery.

Rangeability, how much is it affected by variation in flow?

We have developed a mulitphase liner for real-life conditions with a wide-spec . Depending on the expected flowrate we have developed a range of liner’s to accommodate for both vary high-flow to low flow applications such as concentric coiled tubing or online jetting applications.

Flushing water, any special requirements?

Typical 1 inch service water line is sufficient

Do you have service rental?

We typically provide a rental service. This is available across multiple systems.

What is the typical pressure drop?

3-5 bar is typical to maximise efficiency. However, we are able to manipulate this where

How do you integrate FourPhase systems in production environments?

With detailed 3D-planning and long experience we use production spec’ed piping (super duplex) to integrate with any production environment on or offshore.

How do you verify that all solids have been removed from the wellflow?

There are several ways:
Running the DualFlow desander unit in series. If a lot of solids is separated in the first tank and none in the other, this indicates that the separation efficiency is very good in the first tank
We typically offer to install ClampOn non-intrusive sensors up and downstream of the DualFlow desander unit as part of the delivery to measure efficiency
Manual sampling up and downstream the unit is a effective way of measuring efficiency

What is 5k and 10k technology?

5K and 10K describes the equipment pressure class. In other words a 5K DualFlow desander means that it is rated for a working pressure of 5,000 psi.

How do you ensure you can deliver when planning an operation?

There are a number of reasons:
Experience, dealing with on solids management this is what we know and are confident with. Since the inception of FourPhase we have stored all operational experience data in our solids management database. This means we have more than 150 000h of sand production data from more than 150 different operations. Even though all operations are different there are also many similarities to be found.
When we and our customers come across a type of operation that we have not delivered before we have built an in-house test loop. With the test loop we can setup anything from pressure, flow to expected sand rates to simulate an offshore environment using the actual operation properties. In doing so we minimize any risks and costs by verifying functionality onshore instead of offshore.

How is FourPhase technology certified?

Using internationally accredited bodies FourPhase systems and processes have a number of different certifications covering everything from lifting to electronics and separation efficiency for a number of different regions.

A few of our certifications and standard we comply with listed below: