Our approach
Core applications
Product Range
Data Driven
Environmental performance
Autonomous Operations1
Autonomous Operations1

Automated and remote operations - A core strategy

As the industry moves towards autonomous platforms we have invested heavily in our technology to ensure safe, automated solids management is being delivered today. As a result, when and where the IT infrastructure allows, our systems can be remotely monitored and operated.

Remote operations:
Our definition and capabilities

Remote Operation On Site 1Way Onshore 1
Remote Operation On Site 1Way Onshore 1

Remote monitoring (one-way communication)

FourPhase can currently receive data from the solids management system remotely and create a replica display from our HQ in Bergen. Data can be relayed to specified locations and is accessible via our online dashboards from anywhere in the world.
Fourphase Remote Operation On Site
Fourphase Remote Operation On Site

On-site Remote operation (two-way communication)

All FourPhase systems can be operated remotely on-site from an operator station/container, located in a safe and less intrusive area of the offshore site (i.e. outside the red zone).
Remote Operation Autonomous Bulk Unit
Remote Operation Autonomous Bulk Unit

Autonomous operation

FourPhase have delivered fully autonomous systems installed for unmanned installations. These systems do not require personnel other than for bagging solids and can operate independent of human interaction. This type of system is currently in operation in the South China Sea and has been since 2018.
Fourphase Remote Operation Off Site
Fourphase Remote Operation Off Site

Off-site remote operations (two-way communication)

Unassisted remote operations (with no personnel present at the asset), require the installation of additional sensory and mechanical redundancies (i.e. shut-off valves and relief systems). This can be developed on demand.

Replicating offshore

Our comprehensive Flow Loop is a full sized model of an offshore installation with EX certified valves, flow meters and a solids injection hopper to simulate sand events. With a camera link to the operations centre testing and offshore event simulations can be carried out to support project planning, training or remote operations.

See how our solids management expertise ensures project success
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Fourphase 180 04 Otc 541041
Technology Centre

Operations and Technology Centre

Located in Bergen, our state of the art operations and test centre links to any remote operation in real time. From here we can remotely, or physically, gather experienced project managers to enhance knowledge transfer across projects, supporting the goal of zero downtime.

Reduce POB

Critical remote operation removes manual handling and people in exposed zones. The remote capabilities can lower POB, during ongoing production. Our systems are designed to eliminate risks, reduce cost and remove logistics associated with people offshore.

Contact us and learn how remote operations reduce risks and costs
Fourphase 257 06 Conferences
Fourphase 257 06 Conferences


Fourphase Desander Offshore Filter Solution
Case Studies
January 13 2023
Efficient surface sand removal adds $2.6M monthly production
Achieve continuous flow from the well by managing sand production via inline de-sanding.

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Fourphase In The Us On Truck
Case Studies
May 26 2021
Returning the shut-in “devil’s well” to production
How we retuned the shut-in “devil’s well” to 6 000 bbl/day, creating $30M USD additional profit

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Fourphase 189 04 Otc
Insights Articles
January 17 2023
Introduction to remote operations for the sand management sector
This article talks broadly about the remote operation in the energy industry. FourPhase's remote operation in sand management is new to the solids management industry but not to the energy industry.

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Fourphase 258 06 Conferences
Insights Articles
June 23 2021
Leading and influencing technology innovation
Industry award recognises COO and CTO Jørgen Bruntveit

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Reduce POB and associated risks
Removes manual handling and people in exposed zones
Decrease costs, with the ability to manage more units remotely at a given time, synergies create economical gains
Have the experts in one room, enabling knowledge transfer and sharing
Fourphase 190 04 Otc
Fourphase 190 04 Otc